Here are scripts and snippets I have put together for the infrastructures setup. I'll write more about it later.
- - a snipped that maintains two directories, executing everything that shows up in them once and only once.
- - a script that generates a file from the contents of the file.d directory. This is useful for situations in which many different processes are all interested in managing one config file without stepping on eachother's toes. I use it to manage the systemimager's updateclient.local.exclude file. If my host is a webserver, the webserver config script puts in a dont-touch-webserver-files.conf file in the /etc/systemimager/updateclient.local.exclude.d/ directory. All files in that dir are then combined to make up the real updateclient.local.exclude file. When that host is no longer a webserver, remove the webserver.conf file from the updateclient.local.exclude.d/ directory, and systemimager takes back all the directories and files used by the webserver.
more to come later.